World Kindness Day – It’s good to be kindIt's good to be kind - Elephant and Mouse

World Kindness Day is on the 13th of November is , but it’s always a good time to celebrate kindness.

Why kindness matters

Did you know that, when we do something kind, it triggers a release of serotonin in the brain? Not only does serotonin reduce anxiety and stress, but it also boosts happiness, helps our bodies fight infections and even speeds up healing.

Doing kind things as a group makes us feel connected to each other, and fosters a more inclusive and positive environment. So, with that in mind, here are 6 ideas for kindness activities to spread a little love in your classroom.

Kindness Day activities for all ages

  1. Make a kindness paper chain: Ask your group to write down any acts of kindness they see at school on a slip of paper for two weeks. Then, you’ll have enough paper to create a paper chain that’s a striking reminder of the impact of kind deeds.

  2. Set your class a daily kindness challenge: This could be something as straightforward as paying someone a compliment, holding the door, or picking up litter.

  3.  Do a mid-year ice breaker: Ice breakers are great to get to know each other in September, but they’re also a brilliant way to get your class interacting at any time of year.
  4.  Chalk it up: Add a big message of kindness to the playground in colourful chalks.
  5.  Microvolunteer: Earlier this year, we put together a post on microvolunteering, which involves giving up small amounts of time to do things for others. Have a look at our post for more inspiration [].
  6. Bonus. Be kind to yourself: As well as being kind to others, it’s important to be kind to yourself. Take a few minutes as a class to enjoy some jokes, a funny story, or a mindful session.

I was very kind - HeartIf you’re looking to reward and encourage your student’s kind acts, then you’ll definitely want to look at our kindness stickers. Check them out on our website

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