Microvolunteering: small actions with a big impact!

If you’ve never heard of microvolunteering then read on to find out how ten minutes of your time could help your community flourish.

microvolunteering logo picture Microvolunteering is all about giving small amounts of time to different projects. This could be by picking up rubbish, taking part in activities to protect the natural world, or even by helping to complete scientific research. The point of microvolunteering is that actions are quick and easy, and have a positive impact.


Here are five snappy ideas for microvolunteering activities you can do with students.

  1. Life on the hedge: Hedgelife [https://www.cpre.org.uk/hedgelife-help-out/] is an initiative run by CPRE, the British Countryside charity. It asks people to answer a quick survey about the health of their local hedgerows to see how we can safeguard them for the future. 

  2. Count butterflies: The Big Butterfly Count [https://bigbutterflycount.butterfly-conservation.org/] runs from the 14th July until the 6th August 2023. Simply head outside and spend fifteen minutes recording all of the butterflies you see. 

  3. Open up a bug hotel: Making a bug hotel is a fantastic, quick way to encourage diversity in any outdoor space. Bug hotels can be any size and made from easily found materials, such as cardboard, twigs, and old bamboo canes.

  4. RSPB logoStart twitching: The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch [https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/birdwatch/everything-you-need-to-know-about-big-garden-birdwatch/] takes place in January every year. Set aside an hour and count how many birds you see in your space. This then helps the RSPB to monitor and learn more about bird populations.

  5. Watch out for Nessie: If you fancy, you can even spend ten minutes monitoring a webcam overlooking Loch Ness [https://www.visitinvernesslochness.com/live-stream]. If you see anything resembling Nessie, snap a picture and send it for analysis!

We have a range of stickers for teachers and club leaders that can be used to support all of these projects. Our sets of mini smiley, star, and mixed caption stickers [https://thestickerfactory.co.uk/search-stickers/?_search=Mini] are small but mighty, just like microvolunteering. Don’t forget that you can get a free mini beast sticker set with every purchase over £7.50 until the 30th of April too.

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