National Poetry Day

2023 sees the 200th anniversary of the publication of Byron’s epic Don Juan and Clement Clarke Moore’s beloved Christmas poem, A Visit from St Nicholas.

National Poetry Day logoNational Poetry Day was celebrated last week too but we reckon poetry should be enjoyed all year long.

Poetry activities for the classroom can be great fun so we’d like to share our thoughts for some quick inspiration for poetry activities to share with your group.

1. Acrostic fun: Acrostics are a fantastic way for younger children to experiment with language. Ideas for topics could be: animals, food, holidays, and even school!

2. Try a whole class poem: Pick a phrase such as ‘I would always’ and have everyone write down one sentence e.g. I would always pick up a shiny conker.

3. Cut out lines from famous poems and rearrange them to form your own masterpiece.

4. Try drawing your favourite poem. What might the fearsome jabberwock look like (‘The jaws that bite, the claws that catch’)? Or how about a slice of Michael Rosen’s chocolate cake?

5. Have a bash at a Haiku, or something like it: Haikus are a traditional form of Japanese poetry that celebrate nature. They are made up of one line of 7 syllables sandwiched between two lines of 5 syllables each . They can be tricky to write but they’re a great way to capture an experience quickly.

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You can find out more about celebrating poetry on the National Poetry Day website.

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