Turning off for Good Mental Health: Building positive relationships with technology 

You may remember that we posted a blog in May on the subject of Mental Health Awareness. We were really thrilled to receive feedback from one of our readers, thanking us for raising awareness of mental health and highlighting one particular issue: the impact of technology, and emails in particular, on our mental health. 

Turning off for Good Mental Health - Lead by example like Ludo, a stress free dog

While technology helped us stay connected during lockdown, it has also had a huge impact on the way we work. With the advent of emails and instant messaging it can feel difficult to ‘turn off’ from work, leaving us feeling stressed and anxious. Our office dog, Ludo, has helped us with this. He’s always laid back!

We thought this was such an important subject that we wanted to share it with you. We know our lovely customers work above and beyond to support the people they work with in education, healthcare, and other environments. We’ve been doing some research and wanted to share a few tips we’ve discovered to support Turning off for Good Mental Health: Building positive relationships with technology so we can all focus on the things that really matter – Just like Ludo!!

1. It can be very difficult but setting boundaries can ultimately be positive. Being clear with expectations around response times protects you and colleagues. 

2. If you can, try to protect your time off and don’t check emails during non-work time.

3. Use email filters to sort your incoming emails into sections so you know which ones need 

addressing first.

4. Take some time away from your screen. Have a few mindful minutes every hour and make sure 

you’re giving your eyes and brain a chance to rest. 

5. Set aside some dedicated time to open and respond to emails rather than feeling that you have 

to have them open all the time. 

We found this article very helpful, but we’d love to hear from you with your tips, feedback and comments on this subject https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/email-mental-health-impact/ 

We would also be absolutely delighted to plan more blog posts around topics raised by readers. Leave your comments below and join the conversation, or connect with us through our social media.

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